Tuesday 18 October 2011

Yes, I Have Read That Many Books! - Part III: The Library

Throughout my life i have loved the library. Of course, it has grown bigger and the volume of books has increased over the years. However, now that i have an ebook reader, i don't bother going down there at all. This is actually very sad because without it i would have missed out on numerous wonderful authors. Since i am also a really fast reader, i practically lived down there!

It was a special place to me as it gave me the freedom to discover what i was interested in.
The members of my immediate family all have very different tastes from me and, i can honestly say, i have never been tempted to borrow a book from them!

My Dad's reading material is all on the subject of Angling or Ireland. Literally, that is it, no fiction whatsoever! Mom, on the other hand, reads romantic mush like Mills&Boone. Each to their own i say but i can't be bothered with them. A story needs to be able to make me think and keep me enthralled. These do neither. Boredom sets in fairly early on and i give up.
One of the funniest things ever was being accused of borrowing mom's books and not putting them back. It turned out it was my older brother. He believed they would tell him how to get women! To be perfectly honest i was more shocked that he knew what a book was. Previously, i had only ever seen him read the football news and scores on teletext!!

My younger brother is lovely but his choice of reading material is incredibly random. Mostly, he is online reading or writing fanfiction (whatever that is!) and all his books are Star Trek and things like that. There's nothing wrong with that, obviously, but, since i am not a fan, they don't appeal to me.

It's not even worth considering my little sister's books as she is a typical teenage girl. Books about One Direction and JLS aren't aimed at my demographic at all. All her other books just make me laugh. Sadly, i am way past the age when the right hair, clothes and make-up were important. Whether boys 'like' me is not a serious issue!

So, there i was at the library, rapidly getting through all the Stephen King they had. I wanted to branch out and there was so much choice!

Best get started! :)

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