Tuesday 4 October 2011

Never A Dull Moment

I had this whole plan with regards to my blog but, due to problems with my broadband, it hasn't quite worked out. Isn't that always the way though? Whenever life is progressing nicely something throws a spanner in the works.

After applying for 5 jobs i was feeling all positive. Unfortunately, the internet chose that moment to go on the blink. Every few minutes it was going off! I couldn't check all my emails, not that it mattered as none have replied!

Needless to say, i called Sky to have a rant.

For the record, i would like to make it clear that i am not racist and hold no prejudices towards anyone, before i go on.

The man i spoke to had the strangest accent i have ever heard in my life! A kind of mix between Indian and Scottish, it sounded like to me, and was very difficult to understand. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to work out what a person is saying when you're already stressed.

Well, following an hour long conversation, the problem still wasn't solved. I was informed that i needed to speak to a 'level 2 technician' as there was nothing more he could do to help. Wonderful!
But, that isn't even the best part. Apparently, these 'level 2 techs' don't work Sundays so i would be referred for a call back within 72 hours.

Now i have always considered myself a calm person but was less than impressed with this situation. The poor man was left in no doubt as to how angry i was!

However, i needed to check my emails so decided to just make do with being online for minutes at a time and sticking it out. When i tried though i couldn't load the internet at all even when the router light was green!!!

Furious at this point, i called again. My partner said we should just wait for the techs to call but at least we had partial use before they 'helped'. They'd clearly just made it worse!
So once again i suffered through the various menus and ended up speaking to a lovely Scottish man who i had no trouble understanding. He was so helpful. He talked me through configuring my connection settings, then took detailed notes on the issues. Since he was also a 'level 2 tech' he was very surprised to hear he didn't work Sundays! Clearly internal communication within the call centre is severely lacking.

Since then, they have called several times and the problem seems to be mostly sorted. An engineer is still going to come out as they believe there is a physical fault on the line itself.

So, i was almost over that drama when the next thing went wrong. The dvd recorder literally just stopped working. All off a sudden it went off and now there is no life in it whatsoever. We have a tv/dvd combi so it's not a disaster,but i did have loads of stuff saved to the hard drive. There's no way to get that back and there is a dvd stuck in there.

In true positive and upbeat fashion, i brushed this off as bad luck.

The next day i was running a bath for bubs and the hot tap literally came off! Water was pouring everywhere and the mains tap was too tight for me to turn. Sorry, but i totally fit the female stereotype of being a weakling. My partner reassembled the tap but how long it will hold i don't know.

Bad luck comes in threes, they say so i surely i'd had my share for a while. Unfortunately not.

Time for a bit of back story. My house is in a 'court' at the end of a 'close' with the same name. One particular postman can't seem to tell the difference and regularly posts things through the wrong doors.

Like any normal person i then wander down the road and pop the letters etc through the right door. The people on the close are not normal. They are selfish and inconsiderate, mean and nasty! They kept a parcel once that was a present for the littlun's birthday. It wasn't until the post office tracked it, and i confronted them that they handed it over. By this time it was late and the cheeky bleeders had opened it. Supposedly by mistake. Pfft!

Right, now on to the latest crisis. The last time i was at the jobcentre, my advisor said he would be away the next time so would arrange me an appointment for the day after instead. Not a problem for me until i show up and they tell me i should have come on my normal day and time. They'd sent a letter out to let me know!
For those of you unfamiliar with the system, if you miss a sign on your money is stopped.

Fuming, i knocked on the close and they had received a whole bundle of post! They didn't even offer an apology when i told them what had happened and the trouble i was in. Not that i expected them to have any sort of conscience!
The post office also received an ear-full from me along with a letter of complaint.

Luckily, since issues have been documented in the past, i was allowed to sign on and was told i wouldn't be penalized. Still i could have done without the worry.

Moving on, it's the start of a new week in a new month and it's going to be great. I feel it in my bones! :)

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