Monday 24 October 2011

We Were All Created Equal

When i logged onto Twitter this morning, all i could see were tweets regarding Stuart Walker. Having enjoyed a half-term lie-in the news had passed me by. Following the recent deaths of Dan Wheldon and Marco Simoncelli, for some reason, i assumed that another such tragedy had occurred. Now i sit horrified by what i am being told!

A young man (28) is tied to a lamp post, beaten and burned to death! This is a truly sickening act of brutality. The mere thought of it gave me the urge to regurgitate my Frosties! For those of us who are sane human beings, it is impossible to imagine how and why anyone could perform such an atrocity.

On finding out, from my twitter friends, that the motivation behind the killing could well be the young man's sexuality, my sadness has become outright rage! Now i am not given to fits of anger and very rarely lose my temper. However, at this precise moment in time, i am furious!

A few years ago, my brother announced that he was gay. Not being funny but none of us were surprised by this news. It changed absolutely nothing within our family. Why should it? He is the same person he has always been. He is kind and funny and, quite frankly, a wonderful brother.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees this. I have personally witnessed several instances where people have treated him wrongly. Needless to say, when i catch anyone acting like he has a disease or is some sort of freak, they get a piece of my mind! I won't have him put down and judged, whatever the reason.

Being gay or lesbian is not a big deal. You love whoever you love, end of. So my brother is attracted to men, whoopie, me too! I fail to see what the issue is.
In my experience, it is mostly men who have the biggest problem. Even my own partner has made comments about being uncomfortable when my brother stayed over. I hate this attitude and i will not allow prejudice in my home!

If it turns out that Stuart was murdered for being homosexual, then i am disgusted with the perpetrators and do not want them as part of my society. They are nothing but heartless monsters who do not deserve to live alongside decent citizens.

They are the ones who are sick! They are the ones who are freaks of nature! Even animals only kill to survive! There are no words in existence to accurately describe such evil.

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