Friday 21 October 2011

My Technological Wilderness

This will lead onto my next post pretty well being as it's all about modern technology but right now i am just having a rant! Sorry.

So, my Mom decided she wanted new lights putting up downstairs and the ceilings re-plastered. Fair enough, it's her house, she can do what she wants. Unfortunately, both my parents work so i was asked to come up and supervise. Ever the dutiful daughter, i say "sure, no problem". What a mistake that was!

It was only supposed to take one day but, predictably, the job wasn't as simple as it was first thought. Considering that the house is over 60 years old and as it's original electrics, we should have expected this i suppose. Now the whole of downstairs needs re-wiring!

So, what started as one day spent up here has been several. What's the problem right? Sitting around eating their food, drinking tea, enjoying the Sky+ HD with surround sound and abusing the wi-fi. Sound ideal? Well it's not!

It's freezing for starters. The gas heaters won't spark up without the electric being on. At least i had the tv and internet for that 1st day. Since then it has been one massive pain in the backside.

Yesterday, my partner borrowed the car so i had to walk all the way up here. It isn't that far but is all up hill for goodness' sake! I make it here and find I'm relegated upstairs because the plasterers have taken over downstairs.
Trying to watch the cricket in my parents' room was rubbish on their tiny tbd. But at least i could watch sky though. It was going without tea that hacked me off! Cups of tea are essential to my well-being and not having access to the kitchen was horrendous. It was like a form of torture knowing there were teabags down there and not being able to reach them.

Maybe i am being slightly dramatic but depriving me of my luxuries was not part of the deal! Today's debacle goes beyond even that. The electric is now completely disconnected downstairs. Of course i liberated the kettle so that i could partake of a soothing hot beverage but still.

No power equals no sky, no wi-fi, nothing. It's a technological wilderness!!!!! The network coverage on my phone is appalling in this house so i have no clue if my tweets have posted. I have no idea what happened in the rugby or anything else since i have no tv. To top it all off, my 8 year old daughter needs entertaining!

Here i sit, after hours of playing Frustration and Simpsons monopoly, writing with a pen and paper. Yes, i know, i had forgotten they existed too!
If me and the littlun survive our day trip back to the dark ages this will be posted to my blog. If not, it means we have died of boredom and despair!!

P.S. I now have a profound understanding of the Blackberry users plight when they lost BBM. I need to tweet dammit!

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