Wednesday 14 September 2011

Job Hunting

So far i have been seriously looking for work since January. Before then i was keeping an eye out but not to the extent i am now.
My daughter was 3 when i was made redundant and, since my partner had left at that point, the situation was very difficult. Initially it wasn't too bad claiming income support while i sorted myself out, but then time drags on. My babe started full-time school and, whilst it is nice sometimes to have the day to yourself, the novelty soon wears off.

For the record, i am looking at full and part time positions because, although during school hours would be ideal , i understand that this isn't always possible. Luckily i have friends and family that would step in with regards to school so I'm not concerned with childcare. However, i won't do evenings or Saturdays. By the way, i am not being fussy, i just refuse to miss out on my daughter's entire young life. She is my only one i love her and i want to spend as much time with her as possible.
Obviously working late and at weekends works for some people , and I'm not criticising them, but it would make me miserable. I know full well that i wouldn't be able to handle it.
Anyway, i always get the local paper but there hasn't been anything i can apply for in months. Now that it is weekly instead of daily it is a waste of time to be honest.
There are several websites, that i have subscribed to, who email you suitable jobs based on your cv. Unfortunately, most of them are too far away to be suitable.
Every day i do an online job search where i go through various different websites such as the NHS. Following this i go on Most of the time i find at least 2 or 3 vacancies here that i can actually apply for.

Sadly the jobcentre is not great. We joke and call it the job(less)centre but this is the truth. Very rarely do i find anything at all on their search machines, and the fortnightly appointments are pointless. The whole building is like a soulless void of misery and despair! Dramatic but accurate. Coming out you feel like totally giving up!

Having suffered from depression in the past, it is really important i stay positive, which is becoming increasingly difficult. Every morning i feel hopeful that today is the day when my luck will change, then with every rejection some of my confidence disappears. It's almost as if a part of me dies every time i am told I'm not good enough.

There is no sense to it either. I have 11 GCSEs, 3 A-levels and did a degree. Since having my daughter I've completed home learning courses and gained IAB Level 2 in Book-keeping and Accounts. My friend and i learnt first aid for adults and children because it seemed like something that could be useful. My references are really good too.
Every position i apply for i know that i can do but clearly the employers don't agree! Even Asda have turned me down for goodness' sake!! You can only imagine how fed up i am of hearing that I'm over-qualified etc!

All i want is to support myself and my family and to actually do something with my life.

Thank God i have a beautiful little girl who makes it all worthwhile.

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