Wednesday 7 September 2011

Daytime Tv Anyone?

Contrary to popular belief mum's who are unemployed don't just sit around watching trash all day! It makes me really mad that there is this widespread opinion that we all lounge on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle and basically just doss around doing nothing.

If only my life was that easy!!

My daughter is incredibly messy and so every morning after she goes to school i have to tackle the carnage she has left in her wake! This is followed by my daily job searching routine and applications if i actually manage to find anything. You see, we're not all on benefits because we are lazy, some of us would love to be able to work!

Normally i do have the tv on when I'm pottering about because the house is way too quiet when you're home alone. But I'm not sat down in front of it the whole time. Someone has to do the laundry and cook dinner and pay the bills etc. In all honesty it is rare to get a free day where you can just stay in let alone sit and relax.

Personally i try really hard to keep busy to prevent boredom and from a mental stand point i need to feel like I've done something constructive during the school hours. That said, like everyone else, now and again i wake up in the morning and just feel rubbish. On these occasions i will sit with my blanket and a cup of tea and watch The Wright Stuff.

So sue me, I'm human!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it drive you mad that everyone thinks all non working parents spend all day watching TV with no intention of doing anything else. Good luck in the job hunting. Pam
