Tuesday 7 October 2014

Don't Poop on my Parade!

Monday afternoon,at 2pm, I had a job interview.

At present,  I'm a care worker, out in the field but for 3 weeks I've been doing paperwork in the office.  When the job as Branch Co-ordinator was advertised I wasn't sure whether to apply because I have no idea how the computer system works or how to do half of the things involved in the job. After much consideration i figured that I may as well have a go.  What's the worst that could happen?  It's not as if I don't have a job now.

So, my cv was jazzed up a bit from 2 years ago, when I last used it, and emailed off to recruitment.  In all honesty,  even getting an interview was an achievement in my eyes,  given my lack of experience. 
Despite feeling like I had nothing to lose, the hours leading up to 2pm, left me slightly frazzled.  Nervous was not the word!

The actual interview is a bit of a blur.  Steve,  the HR Director,  was very friendly but, for some bizarre reason, I couldn't stop myself from talking!  I was chattering away and gesticulating like someone possessed!!!! Coming out an hour later I felt it had gone terribly.  I was so disappointed in myself and felt like I'd come across as a bit of a crazy person.

At work this morning,  I discovered that the decision had been made yesterday and that Steve would be calling everyone today. My close friend, Esa, is our manager in the south west so she knew who had the job but wasn't allowed to tell me! That must have been so difficult for her.

Imagine my extreme surprise when I received the call offering me the position!!! Naturally,  I was proud and astonished that he'd seen past my verbal diarrhoea! I don't start until the new year but I'll have to train before then,  of course.

Everyone in the office and the majority of the carers have been really happy for me bar one. He has been at Ark for a long time and can be weird but we've always got along ok. He found out that I was successful and immediately "unfriended" me on Facebook!  Not only that but has completely blocked me! His lack of friendship doesn't particularly bother me but his attitude really got up my nose. Why couldn't he just be happy for me?  Everyone knows that life has not been fun and games for me lately and I really needed the boost but instead he has been a total moron and put a right dampener on my good mood. How pathetic can one person be?

I refuse to let anyone make me feel bad though.  I work hard and earned this chance all on my own so he can just do one! So, to anyone who feels threatened or put out by my success, I say "Keep it to yourself and don't poop on my parade!"

Friday 3 October 2014

Benefit House

Sometimes you watch a programme on tv and it surprises you and changes your perspective.  This show did not do that. At all! It confirmed what I already knew, that there are lazy scroungers in the world who don't want to work for anything.
Who can blame them though when they can bring in £80000 a year by just having children left, right and centre?! Every family featured in the show was demanding larger council houses for their big families not even considering spending a little extra and private renting to allow the children to live more comfortably.  Not one of the parents mentioned trying to look for work either so clearly have no intention of coming off benefits. 

Mark and I work around 70 hours a week between us for a mere fraction of what these people bring in. We receive no help from the government whatsoever.  To me this is a slap in the face. Having been on income support myself for a while I do understand that benefits are important but the families on this show are blatantly abusing the system.  Why are they constantly having children when they aren't supporting those that they have?

One man has 26 children with different women and claimed he is better than most Dads because he threw one of the kids a party and was there videoing it. Not being funny but Mark has been there for Emma every birthday and every Christmas since she was born.  That's not even mentioning all the rest of the time he spends with her.  Unlike the parents on this programme,  we raise and support our daughter and set her the example that you should work for whatever you want. I would hate for her to grow up thinking that living on benefits your whole life is the way to go.

We're on the right track with her though because she was outraged by the fact that tax is taken from us to support these people.  Personally,  I find it incredibly demoralising thinking about how hard we work and what a struggle it is to make ends meet when you have these families exploiting the country and taking the mick out of us, basically. 

There is no way that I would choose to be like them. What infuriates me the most with them is that they still believe they deserve more. They want bigger homes and more money and see no reason why they are not entitled to those things.

Nothing will ever change, however,  because the government will continue to enable them whilst punishing the rest of us who actually contribute to the country and the economy. 

And people wonder why I believe our politicians are a complete waste of space! Let's reward laziness shall we?! Plus it's rubbish that they don't have the children for money. Contraception costs nothing.  Don't keep procreating when you can't look after the children you already have!