Thursday 1 March 2012


Life has been getting in the way since my last post leaving me very little time or motivation to write. No developments on the job front unfortunately, the latest rejection coming from the DWP themselves. I spent over 2 hours doing their competency assessment then a numeracy and literacy test, which I passed. My application survived the first sifting process so, like an idiot, I thought I may actually be lucky this time. However, they turned me down due to my lack of recent work experience. Ironic really. Clearly you can only get a job front if you already have one!

Anyway, that's just more of the same so hardly a surprise. My car failed the MOT on a bundle of things and is now sat gathering rust while I try and save to fix it. The washing machine packed up 2 weeks ago so the laundrette is taking all my money now. Then the boiler decided to leak water through my hall ceiling. My landlord has become unreachable therefore I had to pay to call someone out to fix it. The boiler actually needs replacing but obviously that's not up to me. The council have told me they will withhold the housing benefit until they make contact so I'm just waiting to see what happens.

My daughter's school trip needs paying for too although £85 for 2 days on Dartmoor seems a bit steep to me. Especially considering it's the parents responsibility to transport the children there and back. It's also her 9th birthday in a couple of weeks, just to add to the financial stress.

Money worries I'm used to after all this time but then, during half term, I had physical pain to contend with as well. I've never had tendonitis before but I had heard of it. Still, it surprised me how much it really hurts! My doctor is a sadist I think because she bent and pulled my hand around until I was in agony! I was prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories then sent to the hospital for physiotherapy. There is still some discomfort in the joint but it feels much better thankfully. For future reference, wearing a wrist splint is almost as bad as the injury itself. It gets in the way something awful.

This afternoon I'll be plodding off to the jobcentre to sign on but now that I'm on the working links program they'll literally just get me to sign and go. It's not ideal but nevermind.
Right now I plan to watch some tv and read my book. I live life in the fast lane, it's true

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